Krista C. Graham was born in Lexington, Kentucky, in 1988 and raised in Harrodsburg, Kentucky. Ever since childhood she’s had strong ambitions to be an artist. She attended Eastern Kentucky University and graduated with a BA in Art. Now working as an artist, she uses and experiments with many different media but mostly works with watercolor. Her work can be found in EKU’s Aurora Literary Arts Journal (2012); Artemis Journal (2014 and May 2016); Shaun Turner’s chapbook, The Lawless River (cover art, 2016); Foliate Oak (April 2016); South Florida Poetry Journal (August 2016), The Bees Are Dead (August 2016); and various others. She now resides in Danville, Kentucky, and is looking forward to her first gallery showing in January 2017.

Krista C. Graham is a contributor to Nerve Lantern issue 10.


last updated 2-18-17