Yedda Morrison is the author of several books of poetry, including Darkness (Make Now Press, 2012), Girl Scout Nation (Displaced Press, 2008), and Crop (Kelsey Street Press, 2003). Her work has been included in the anthologies Kindergarde (Black Radish Press), Against Expression (Northwestern University Press), I’ll Drown My Book (Les Figues Press), and Bay Poetics (Faux Press). From 1998-2002 she co-edited Tripwire, A Journal of Poetics with poet David Buuck. She is part of the artist/writer’s collaborative The Collective Task ( She has performed and exhibited her work widely and is currently represented by Republic Gallery in Vancouver, BC. Morrison lives and works in San Francisco.

Yedda Morrison is a contributor to Nerve Lantern issue 7.


last updated 1-1-14