Reminder: Call for Submissions!


Through which O of Yoko Ono will YOU spring?

No need to mimic her when you can let elements of her performance art crackle in your mind and take you to new places within your Own performance writing.

What will be the Ono Origin of your Originality?
Will you take a lingual chance Operation?
GO with the flOOOOw-uxus?
What is your anti-art of the Ordinary?
Where is the Onus of your activism? Open spaces of your Outrage?
What polyvocal Ocean pours Out of the quietest haiku moments?

The editors of this supplemental digital issue of Nerve Lantern are looking for innovative performance texts—poets theater, page-as-stage, instructional poetry, etc.—that are inspired by elements and concepts from Yoko Ono’s performance writings, visuals, and music and that develop those elements/concepts via inventive form and forum.

Editors Joel Allegretti and Jay Besemer are excited to see what you come up with!

Submit a maximum of 10 pages as an attachment (Doc or PDF) to

Deadline: October 31, 2015

Visit for more info about Nerve Lantern: Axon of Performance Literature.