Video Clips of the 2014 Nerve Lantern Show!


You can now watch online video clips of the Nerve Lantern show An Afternoon of Sparking Poetry on

Vimeo & YouTube!

See poets’ theater performances written by

Joel Allegretti
Allan Andre
Michelle DuPré
Kim Essex
Aimee Herman
Kris Lew
Magus Magnus
John J. Trause

The show An Afternoon of Sparking Poetry was performed on July 19, 2014 in New York City at Medicine Show Theatre as part of its Word/Play series of writers’ readings (made possible in part by a grant from the New York State Council on the Arts, a State Agency). Co-organized by Kris Lew (also the MC) and Ellen Redbird, this show celebrated work by Nerve Lantern contributors.

Performers: Joel Allegretti, Allan Andre, Maggie Dubris, Michelle DuPré, Trae Durica, Kim Essex, Aimee Herman, Kris Lew, Magus Magnus, and John J. Trause.

Vimeo Channel:

YouTube Channel:
